

Training Time

Training Duration

Training Cost (USD)

8th April, 2025
1800-1900 HRS (EAT)
1 Hour


Training Image

GC Detectors

At the end of this section, you will be able to explain the parameters and performance measures by which GC detectors are characterized, describe the components and working principle of a number of common GC detectors, give suggestions of how each detector type might be optimized, demonstrate an understanding of each detector type in a practical context, and choose the correct detector type for a variety of analyte and application types.

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Who is this course for?

This course is suited to anyone working with GC

Previous Knowledge

No prior knowledge is required for this course.

What you will learn


GC Chromatographic (Parameters Method Development)

  • Introduction to Method Development: Overview of the method development process and its importance in GC analysis.
  • Selecting the Mobile Phase: Choosing the appropriate carrier gas and understanding its impact on the separation process.
  • Temperature Programming: Developing and optimizing temperature programs to achieve the best separation.
  • Flow Rate Optimization: Adjusting the carrier gas flow rate to improve peak resolution and analysis time.
  • Retention Time: Understanding and controlling retention time to ensure reproducibility and accuracy.
  • Resolution and Efficiency: Techniques for improving resolution and column efficiency.
  • Peak Shape and Symmetry: Identifying and resolving issues related to peak shape and symmetry.
  • Troubleshooting Method Development: Common challenges in method development and strategies for troubleshooting and optimization.